Monday, February 15, 2016

Snowlty, MP Lift

Couple hours of goalty in the snow, not full effort.

20min SMR/mobility/activation

3 rounds per tri-set:

Side-loaded isometric RLESS: 5 at 40lb at 1:5:1
Isometric single arm DB bent-over row: 5 at 35lb at 1:5:1
Isometric single arm DB press: 5 at 35lb at 1:5:1

Front rack single leg box squat: 5 at 45lb
Isometric weighted pushup: 5 at +35lb at 1:5:1
Medball throws: 10 per side at 18lb

3-position isometric calf press: 3x0:05 at 180lb
Supine cable hip flexion: 10 per leg
3-position adductor machine isometric hold: 3x0:05 at 40lb

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