Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fall League, Lift

12-15 vs DC Ultimallers

Focus for the game was denying the disc from my matchup, not being content to contain but trying to completely prevent them from getting the disc. Did a good job of matching footwork and maintaining proximity for the most part, but got slipped a couple times in one point and failed to lay out on a playmaking opportunity. Offense wasn't the focus but I moved the disc effectively, apart from one no-look Jesse Shofner move to a clearing reset. Whoops.

Press in snatch:  5 at 45, 50; 3 at 55, 60, 65lb
Muscle snatch: 3x3 at 65lb
Tall snatch: 3x3 at 65lb
Snatch: 3 at 95, 115, 120, 125, 130; 1 at 135lb
Snatch pull: 3x3 at 145lb
Pullups: 3x4 at +10lb
Front squat: 5 at 115, 125; 3 at 135, 145; 2 at 155lb
Kettlebell swing: 5x10 at 24kg
3x10 ab wheel roll-out from knees

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