Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mobility, Snatch, Accessory, Yoga

30min mobility class
15min ankle mobility

Snatch: 1x3 at 65, 85. 1x2+1 at 95, 105. 3x1 at 115, 125lb

10 skater squats per leg
10 kettlebell military press 30lb
2x5 skater squats with 30lb kettlebell
2x5 kettlebell military press 30lb
5 skater squats with 40lb dumbbell
5 dumbbell military press 40lb
10 skater squats per leg
10 kettlebell military press 30lb

3x5 handstand pushups
3x12 ab wheel rollouts
3x12 single leg calf raises

75min intermediate yoga

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