Sunday, April 12, 2015


20min SMR
Snatch with 3sec pause at bottom: 2 at 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125lb
Squat clean and jerk with 3sec pause at bottom: 2 at 125, 145, 145, 155; 1 at 155lb
Back squat: 6x2 at 165lb
Muscle snatch: 5x5 at 95lb
Snatch grip RDL: 5 at 105, 120; 3x5 at 135lb
Push press: 5 at 95, 105; 3x5 at 115lb

Supersetted the squats/muscle snatches and the RDLs/push presses. Pressed for time, but also wanted to keep the heart rate high and add that work capacity factor. Felt good in the snatches with a pause, felt strong, but struggled a bit in the hole with cleans. Gotta get the squat strength up and pay more attention to my core work.

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