Sunday, July 12, 2015

John Doe Crossfit

Rolled out to Primal for a workout with the John Doe boys.

2x10 medball throws per side
2x10 wall balls 20lb 10'
2x10 precision jumps

Miscellaneous sled pushes and other warmup stuff

10min partner AMRAP:
20 slam balls 30lb, 10 thrusters 75lb
Row for distance
Completed 3 rounds and 2315m cumulatively

I contributed maybe 1100m and had to break up the thrusters into sets of five after the first round. Immediately crashed after the workout and felt awful. Much better after I got some sugar and protein in me after biking home.

Better enough to go play a half hour of spikeball, then throw for another half hour in Malcolm X Park.

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