Wednesday, February 27, 2013

IR Track Workout #3-1

15mins throwing
Dynamic warmup
4x(200m sprint, 200m walk), all sprints 31-33
4x(100m sprint, 50m walk), all sprints 13.5-14.0
5:00 rest
Comeback drill: 5 rounds of 8-15-20yd suicides with 5 people
5:00 rest

Tabatas (no rest between exercises):
Squats (18, 17, 17, 16)
Lunges (14, 15, 15, 15)
Abs (8 rounds, various exercises)

The running was tough, I'm out of shape and not ready for it. We cut it down a lot. The tabatas were okay, but also not where I need them to be.

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