Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Primal Fitness

Took a look at the local box, a modestly sized garage gym that also hosts parkour classes and, supposedly, a couple clients more focused on olympic lifts. The space isn't quite as nice as some of the boxes I've been in, but it had all the usual suspects in terms of equipment. They had a class going on that seemed to be mostly rank beginners, a lot of cleans and squats with weak form and the trainers weren't particularly hands-on, but I'm thinking it's a decent setup for me if I want to train on my own. They seem pretty flexible and willing to accommodate my schedule, so while I'm not sure I want to commit to a full year of classes I am ready to throw down for a few months of unlimited on-my-own-time. I'll be hashing that out with the staff and we'll see how it goes. In the meantime, here's what I did today:

Warmup, hang clean drills
3 muscle-ups
5 power clean and jerk 95lb
5x5 power clean 135lb
3x8 back squat 135lb
3x(1 rope climb, 10 ab wheel rollouts)

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