Monday, August 20, 2007


Again, a rainy day spent playing mini. This time, we had 3v3 with two subs, because nobody plays 4v4. I have no idea why.

It felt good, too. Missed a layout opportunity, but that is not new. I preformed adequately in the air, mostly by using my speed. It's funny how easy, and yet difficult, mini can be. I enjoy it tremendously, more than regular pickup. I think it's because I am (a little) selfish: I want the disc, and I get it a lot when I only have to share with a couple kids. I can impact the game more directly. With six teammates, you have to do a lot of creating space, putting other people in good positions, etc. I enjoy that only when I am playing with a real team and real teammates. Pickup, even pickup tournaments, put me into a more selfish mood. I don't (can't) dominate the game, but I am less interested in letting teammates pick up the disc, make the iso cut, be the dump. It's subtle, though.

Plus, there's so much space with fewer players, and it changes in more predictable ways. You have more control over your defender, because he has to respect all that space. The flip side is that on defense, you have to work hard to take away a specific space and push your matchup into a less-ideal spot. It's good practice for physical defense. Today we played closer to pickup basketball, bumping and bodying without any calls.

1 comment:

andrew!andrew! said...

think of it not as a missed layout opportunity, but as a smart decision. I mean, who except Brian Li layouts out during summer pickup yeesh.