Tuesday, July 13, 2010


2mi in 14:59

8:01 rest

"Joshie" (modified) for time:
21 DB snatch R
5 knee-tuck pullups
21 DB snatch L
5 knee-tuck pullups
15 DB snatch R
5 kipping pullups
15 DB snatch L
5 kipping pullups
9 DB snatch R
5 kipping pullups
9 DB snatch L
5 kipping pullups
Total time: 13:57

Finished the first round in 4:27, second and third in 9:30. I used a 20kg DB for the workout (slightly heavier than the CF recommended 40lbs), and again my grip was the limiting factor. I couldn't do the pullups cleanly, so I dropped down all the reps and tried to go hard. That also meant I went for speed on the snatches, rather than focusing on form...some of the reps felt textbook, some of them felt rushed. Overall a good workout though, especially with the two mile run right beforehand. I think once I get back to the States I'm going to try to plan more workouts like that, with timed rest and different segments. Sort of like the workouts I saw trainers putting the 300 actors through (though obviously with a different kind of intensity).

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