Thursday, March 27, 2008


Pullups: 11, 4 at +10lb
DB hang snatch: 5 at 35, 2 at 40, 1 at 45lb
Incline bench press: 8 at 45, 2x5 at 95, 8 at 95lb
3x5 single DB high pull, 25lb
Shoulder raises: 8 at 15, 8 at 10lb
2 farmers walks at 45lb

I also did some static holds with the 45lb bar above my head, various dumbbells held above my head (I even tried overhead squatting with dumbbells, which was crazy difficult). I did more DB snatches, as well--at various weights, some incorporating static holds in the finish position, trying to feel out proper form. My left arm is significantly weaker, and some snatches turn out to be more like clean+presses. Today was mostly about putting some weird stresses on my shoulder muscles, so I did various kinds of raises, sometimes turning the dumbbells as I brought them above my head. Nothing too strenuous, although I found out that if I ever want a stupidly hard workout I can do dumbbell overhead squats. Humbling, to say the least.

1 comment:

dkieffer said...

ring break post?