Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A little lifting

I had to do something today, so I went to the gym and just threw the weights around in different ways, trying out different movements to put some moderate stress on the muscles.

9 pullups, 1 at +25lb, 7 pullups
General warmup: a few front squats, presses, overhead squats, and static holds with both 45lb and 65lb (I also did one 10 second, one-handed static hold of the 45lb BB held overhead with the arm locked out, just for fun). I also threw in a mix of deadlifts, straight-leg deadlifts, and romanian deadlifts with 95lb. I did some lat shrugs in the pullup position, too, to try to work on that first step of the dead-hang pullup.

Clean and jerk: 1 at 65, 1 at 95, 1 at 115, 1 at 135lb
--I maxed out. I couldn't even clean 135lb after that last attempt. I was tired.

I finished out the workout with some shoulder stuff...lateral raises and DB presses with 12lb, upright DB rows with 30lb. Finally, 3 farmer's walks with 45lb. Again, the goal tonight was to stimulate, not tax. I'll do some of that tomorrow, and hopefully I won't kill my calves before a tournament, like I did last week. I'll recap Ultimax if I get around to it, and can remember what happened.

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