Sunday, September 07, 2008


We played a couple good games, a couple games not well. I'm not very interested in explaining the weekend or even talking about it very much, except to perhaps recall some of my highlights and lowlights. I turfed a forehand that should have looped through wide-open space to Ellis in the endzone. I got a block in the endzone. A teammate hesitated to throw to me for a goal, and when he finally threw it my defender layed out and D'ed the disc into my face. A (Machine or BAT) defender threw himself onto my back, but I caught the pass and moved the disc. A (Los?) defender fell into a heap at my legs, kicking my achilles and getting in my way, but I finished my cut upline and threw a goal (or, at least, we scored within ~2 passes, I forget). I threw a few forehands into the wind over the heads of my receivers. I dropped a pull. I boxed out a Machine player very well, for a goal. I tossed the disc up in a nonchalant semi-spike, and got some dirty looks from the opponent sideline (I intended no ill-will or disrespect, honestly). I struggled at times to feel like I was contributing positively to the offense. I doubted at least one of my teammates, and felt justified and yet bad about it. I had a nice forehand huck in our Pike-v-Pike scrimmage at the end of Sunday. I ended the weekend wondering where we will take this team, but even more hungry to pull and push because I know we can be better.

I also had fun getting out of the parking lot...

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