Saturday, October 25, 2008


Good Mornings: 8 at 45, 8 at 65, 8 at 65lb
Dip-station reverse shrug (resting on forearms): 3x8
DB snatch (right hand only): 8 at 30, 8 at 35lb
Fly machine: 8 at 60, 8 at 70, 8 at 80lb
45degree extensions: 8 at body weight, 8 at +25lb

I also did one set of hamstring curls on the exercise ball. I was mostly trying to figure out what kinds of exercises I could do in the gym without a left hand, and without getting kicked out (I had to keep the cast hidden with long sleeves). I can't do regular deadlifts or RDL because the doctor said not to use my left hand to pick up or hold anything heavy, but I can rest the bar on my shoulders as long as there's not too much weight on it. The fly machine works fine, and tomorrow I'm going to attempt some tricep extension stuff. Bottom line is that I can still lift, as long as I am careful to not need my hand, and careful to not be caught.

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