Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Marine Challenge, Lift, Practice

16 consecutive dead-hang pullups

Pullups: 5 L-hang, 5 at +5, 5 at +10, 5 at +15, 4 at +20lb
Deadlifts: 5 at 185, 205, 225, 235, 185lb
Upright DB row: 3x10 at 45lb
Single leg Romanian deadlift (SLRDL): 3x10 at 20lb
Bent-over row: 8 at 95, 105, 115lb
3x15 45ยบ extensions
Chinups: 8, 6, 6
25 DB curls at 20lb

Practice was pretty good. O-line stepped back up, though it was partially because we ran ho-stack tonight and the O guys have a lot more experience with it. I'm excited that we get to run both offenses now, should make us more dynamic.

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