Friday, December 31, 2010

No Iron

except the iron I taste in my mouth.

No access to the gym means another BWW.

100 burpees for time
Completed in 6:30 (2:45, 3:45)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Felt like doing a Crossfit-type workout, but all the gyms were closed. Not sure if this was a good idea after yesterday, but whatever. Short and sweet.

21-15-9 for time:
Decline pushups (28" step)
Completed in 4:17

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


1.5mi in 10:25

1:00 rounds:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
Completed 11 consecutive rounds

Weak shit.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Work Workout

Bored at work, I decided to do a quick workout during my dinner break.

0.5mi warmup

3 rounds:
10 DB deadlifts 40lb
10 man-makers 20lb

5 pistols L, 5 pistols R, 5 pullups, 25 vertical knee-raises
5 pistols L, 5 pistols R, 5 knee-tuck pullups, 25 alternating vertical knee-raises
5 pistols L +10lb, 5 pistols R +10lb, 5 knee-tuck pullups +10lb, 25 vertical leg lifts
5 pistols L +10lb, 5 pistols R +10lb, 5 L-hang pullups +10lb, 25 vertical leg lifts

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

CFWoD 12/18/10

Warmup jog: 1k in 4:30

Scaled: c
omplete as many rounds as possible:
5 chest to bar pullups
10 pushups at +10lb
15 reps overhead squat 65lb

I tapped out after finishing 4 full rounds in 9:15 while sharing the squat rack with two people doing pullups. Not satisfied with such a weak showing, I headed over to the C2 rowing machine.

10:04 rowing: 2431m (154 calories)
5:00 rest
5:05 rowing: 1269m (83 calories)

Cooldown jog: 1k in 5:15

Friday, December 17, 2010

BC Lift

Row 2:00 (completed 585yd)

10 pullups
3 rounds max pullups: 25, 20, 15
DB raises: 10 at 10lb lateral, front, angled
Hang power cleans: 12 at 65, 10 at 85
8 deadlift to hang power clean at 115lb

Superset: 3x10
DB shrugs at 45, 50, 55lb
DB tricep extensions at 10, 15, 17.5lb

25 GHD situps

That sucked. I don't know what happened. Couldn't do pullups without resting between reps. I did see some dude doing a Crossfit workout by the C2 rower, though. Looked fun.

Monday, December 13, 2010

vO2max, power gym

Went down to the Rutgers Psychophysiology Lab and took a VO2max test. A lot of obscure data aside, I wound up going five rounds of three minutes in their protocol at (1.7mph 3% grade), (2.5mph 12% grade), (3.4mph 14% grade), (4.2mph 16% grade), (5mph 18% grade), burning a total of 222kCal in 20:08 including warmup and cooldown. My heart rate reached a maximum of 198 BPM, my max VO2 4.37L/min or 64ml/kg/min. Technically speaking, I never plateaued and therefore probably didn't reach my VO2max, but after finishing that fifth round I knew I wouldn't be able to complete the next one so I cut out early. Looking at the data, I can see where my breaths per minute and respiratory exchange rate spike. I don't want to think about how painful another three minutes would have been.

Afterwards I hit the power gym and did a solid workout, practicing my power lifts in their last day before they close for the winter.
5 deadlifts 40kg
5 power clean 40kg
5 front squats 40kg
5 squat clean and jerk 40kg
5 snatches 40kg

5 deadlifts 50kg
5 power clean 50kg
5 front squats 50kg
5 squat clean and jerk 50kg

5 deadlifts 60kg (only 3 with good form)
5 power clean 60kg
5 front squats 60kg
5 squat clean and jerk 60kg
1 clean and jerk 70kg

Sunday, December 12, 2010


3 rounds:
Max reps pushups at +25lb (25, 19, 12)
25 sky humps per leg

3 rounds superset:
10 pullups/parallel grip pullups/chinups
10 kneeling scarecrows, level 2
25 vertical knee-raises

4x8 DB military press at 25, 30, 35, 30lb

3 rounds superset:
10 barbell shrug 95, 145, 165lb
10 tricep pushdowns 17.5, 22.5, 27.5lb

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Big Chill 5k

Glenn Poole, 23 M
108th place
Time: 21:19.65
Pace: 6:51
Place: 102/1063 (56/443 for M18-24)
PLP: 60.49%

Finished just above the "local class" performance level percentage. Not bad, felt pretty strong. I knew that I had not prepared like I did in 2008 so I was pretty happy with my time, especially considering I had to stop and tie both shoes at one point.

For some reason it's got me thinking about the Berlin Marathon, someday when I'm no longer training for Ultimate...

Thursday, December 09, 2010


Bench press: 5 at 95, 3 at 115, 3 at 135, 5 at 145lb
Incline DB bench: 10 at 30, 8 at 45, 9 at 45lb

Supported bent-over row: 12 at 45, 10 at 70, 9 at 75lb
Seated DB power clean: 3x12 at 25lb

Barbell curl: 3x10 at 45lb

Army abs
25 vertical knee-raises
25 alternating vertical knee-raises
25 vertical knee-raises
25 crunches

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Power Gym

10 overhead squats 20kg
3x(deadlift, power clean, jerk, front squat, jerk, back squat, military press) 40kg
3x(deadlift, power clean, jerk) 50kg

3 power clean 60kg
3 squat clean 60kg
3 power clean 70kg

3x6 deadlift 60kg

I realized that I need to break down my deadlift form and start back at the beginning. So that's what I'm going to do this winter.

Sunday, December 05, 2010


Crossfit hungover was a bad choice.

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
7 squats 155lb
10 one-arm DB overhead walking lunges 45lb L
7 burpees
10 one-arm DB overhead walking lunges 45lb R

I finished 3 rounds in 6 minutes, then hit a wall and had to stop myself from puking. Felt terrible the rest of the day.

Friday, December 03, 2010


What did I say last time? Well, I missed lifting so I took my time and went through a very basic lifting session.

10 overhead squats 45lb
5 front squats 95lb
5 BB military press 65lb
5 front squats 125lb
5 BB military press 95lb
5 front squats 145lb
5 BB military press 105lb
5 back squats 165lb
5 DB military press 45lb
3 back squats 180lb
2 DB military press 50lb
3x(8 DB flyes, 10 DB skull crushers) 20lb
3x15 incline situps with 25, 35, 45lb plates