Monday, December 13, 2010

vO2max, power gym

Went down to the Rutgers Psychophysiology Lab and took a VO2max test. A lot of obscure data aside, I wound up going five rounds of three minutes in their protocol at (1.7mph 3% grade), (2.5mph 12% grade), (3.4mph 14% grade), (4.2mph 16% grade), (5mph 18% grade), burning a total of 222kCal in 20:08 including warmup and cooldown. My heart rate reached a maximum of 198 BPM, my max VO2 4.37L/min or 64ml/kg/min. Technically speaking, I never plateaued and therefore probably didn't reach my VO2max, but after finishing that fifth round I knew I wouldn't be able to complete the next one so I cut out early. Looking at the data, I can see where my breaths per minute and respiratory exchange rate spike. I don't want to think about how painful another three minutes would have been.

Afterwards I hit the power gym and did a solid workout, practicing my power lifts in their last day before they close for the winter.
5 deadlifts 40kg
5 power clean 40kg
5 front squats 40kg
5 squat clean and jerk 40kg
5 snatches 40kg

5 deadlifts 50kg
5 power clean 50kg
5 front squats 50kg
5 squat clean and jerk 50kg

5 deadlifts 60kg (only 3 with good form)
5 power clean 60kg
5 front squats 60kg
5 squat clean and jerk 60kg
1 clean and jerk 70kg

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