Thursday, January 21, 2010

Team Workout


Plyos: 20 calf jumps, 20 ricochet jumps, 20 box jumps, 20 step-up jumps, 10/leg step-ups with twist, 10/leg single-leg squats

50 (squats, pushups, lunges per leg, V-ups) for time
Completed in 5:40

2 rounds of 30 seconds each, 5 seconds between exercises and 45 seconds between rounds: wall sit, plank, skyhumps left, skyhumps right, mountain climbers, throwing lunges, split jumps, burpees, left plank, right plank, wall taps
Round 1: 50 skyhumps per leg, 60 mountain climbers, 10 throwing lunges per side, 40 split jumps, 12 burpees, 40 wall taps
Round 2: 50 skyhumps per leg, 60 mountain climbers, 12 throwing lunges per side, 45 split jumps, 12 burpees, 46 wall taps

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