Tuesday, February 08, 2011

PT, lift

I busted my hip after falling off my bike when I hit black ice on the way to work on Monday, so today I got 20 minutes of electric stim around the bruised/swollen area and then did some stretching. Because I knew I wouldn't be able to do all the pushups and abs that I normally would during the team workout, I went to the gym ahead of time and did the following:

4x3 muscle-ups
Bench press: 5 at 115, 125, 135, 145lb
10 pushups at +45lb
DB push press: 10 at 20, 5 at 35lb
BB push press: 5 at 40, 50, 60kg
DB military press: 8 at 30, 35, 30lb
10 dips
25 incline situps
10 incline situps at +35lb
10 incline situps at +45lb
30 alternating incline situps

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