Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Uni Lift

5x(deadlift to hang clean to push jerk) 40kg
Squat cleans: 4 at 50, 60, 60, 60kg
Front squats: 2 at 65kg
BB military press: 5 at 40, 40, 40, 40, 42.5kg
Deadlift: 3 at 60, 70, 80, 90, 95kg
Chinups: 3x6
Single-arm cable pec fly: 3x10 at 12.5kg

Medball 270, 5kg medball:
15 medball bosu squats
15 bosu pushups
15 medball chops per side
15 split squats per leg, forward leg on bosu
15 pushups with one arm on medball, per arm
15 single leg medball Romanian deadlift per leg
15 lunges per leg
15 walkouts*
15 diamond pushups on medball
15 burpees
15 medball back extensions
30 medball situp and press
Completed in 15:25

*walkouts means start in a forward bend, walk your hands out into a plank, then put your hands one at a time on top of a medball placed another foot or so out in front of your head, then return hands to plank position and walk them back to your feet.

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