Monday, April 28, 2014

Snatch, WOD, Extra

2.2mi recumbent biking in 6:30
20min foam rolling

Power snatch to squat snatch: 2 at 65, 86, 95, 105, 115, 125lb
3x1 power snatch 135lb, 3x1 power clean and push jerk 135lb
Military press: 5 at 95; 4 at 105; 3 at 115; 3 at 125lb

For time:
10 DB snatch 45lb per arm, alternating
20 kettlebell swings 20kg
20 burpees
20 kettlebell swings 20kg
10 DB snatch 45lb per arm, alternating
Completed in 4:20

20min muscle-up practice
2x25 GHD situps
3x15 single leg elevated hip thrust
Military press: 5 at 95; 4 at 105; 3 at 115lb

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