Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Bench press: 10 at 115, 3 at 135, 4 at 125, 8 at 95lb
2x4 mixed grip pullups, 1 L-hang pullup
Deadlifts: 8 at 115, 6 at 135, 6 at 185, 1 at 235lb
T-bar rows: 8 at 45, 6 at 70, 8 at 70, 6 at 80lb
8 DB snatch 45lb
Marine Abs part 1*
8 DB snatch 50lb
Marine Abs part 2**
8 DB snatch 55lb

*Marine Abs is a partner workout. X holds a plank while Y does 50 crunches, then they switch. Then X holds a side plank while Y does 20x4 sideways flutter kicks, switch.
Then X holds the other side plank while Y does 20x4 vertical flutter kicks, switch. Then both partners hold their legs off the ground for a countdown of 20 "seconds."
**Part 2 is to do part 1 all over again.

I felt weak overall. The bench presses sucked. The abs sucked. The rows and snatches were not bad, and I didn't push myself for the pullups. But I'm looking forward to a lot more body weight workouts for spring break. I'm thinking pushups, squats, burpees, and a murderous rampage all over the abdominals. Can't wait.

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