Monday, March 30, 2009

Learning, Trying

Been talking to the trainers at the power gym, trying to pick up what information I can. Apparently some erector spinae work will help me with that pesky lower back pain, correcting what may be an imbalance between the abs and lumbar spine. I also plodded my way through this workout:

Uncounted attempts at a muscle-up (1 successful)
8 front squats at 45lb
8 hang cleans at 89lb
8 snatches at 89, 8 at 111lb
SL DB RDL: 8 at 25, 8 at 30, 8 at 35lb
8 pinch-grip upright plate rows, 22lb (1 rubber plate each hand)
8 pinch-grip upright plate rows, 22lb (2 plates each hand)

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