Tuesday, September 01, 2009


5 rounds of 5 L-hang pullups spaced throughout my morning at work, done on the lip of an I-beam. That started the day out well--after lunch, I couldn't lift my legs into an L anymore. After work I made my way down to Gunswick for practice and got in most of the Pike workout beforehand.

2x(100yd sprint, 20 burpees, 60sec throwing)
3x(80yd sprint, 10 clap pushups, 60sec blades)
5x(60yd sprint, 10 burpees, 45sec throwing)

Then I went right into leading the warmup for Rutgers. At practice we demonstrated throwing, explained how we want them to make deep cuts, then put on a little returner showcase game to show them the intensity and effort we want them to bring (lopsided teams, mine lost 2-3 I think). Finally we split everybody up into four teams and had 2 games of 7v7 going on simultaneously, with only a few subs each team so people got good playing time. I think it went well overall, though I felt rushed the entire time. Maybe it was also the rush of a fresh season, who knows.

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