Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Meeting of the Minds

We had tonight the first officers' meeting for the '07-'08 Machine season. There was much to talk about: concerns, hopes, expectations, etc. Of notable significance was the prospect of fielding separate A and B teams, and everything that entails: tryouts, cuts, organization for practices and separate tournaments. We also discussed the field situation, the possibility of finding a bubble for winter practices, recruitment/retention strategies, fundraising ideas, and whether Mio will be able to coach us next year--and what to do if he can't. We're taking steps toward building the program, and it's very exciting. There's much to do.

Yesterday: 2x24 shoulder raises 5lb, 2x8 curl/press 5lb, 2x8ea single-leg RDL 5lb
Tonight: 3mi in 21:48 (skipped the Air Alert workout, will make it up tomorrow. Sore from yesterday's hamstring work)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i'm not even injured or anything, there's absolutely no pain, no symptoms, nothing.

parents are just paranoid that i might damage something so i can't play until they get medical confirmation