Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Unlike yesterday, today's WoD was actually a double-header:

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
25 double-unders
10 pullups
Finished 5 rounds plus 18 DU's

Rest 5:00

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
250m row
10 HSPU (two ab mats)
Finished 3 rounds plus 250m row

2x30 GHD situps

I only counted real double-unders in the first AMRAP, no single-unders this time. I had one good run of 10 or so in a row, but the rest came in clumps of 1-3. Slowly getting the hang of it, I guess.

Monday, August 29, 2011

CF908 Doubled Down

The 4 miles between my house and the box were non-navigable due to all the flooding, so I took a seriously roundabout detour around midday and determined that the shortest viable route was more than 12 miles. So later I left mad early and did two workouts to make the trip worthwhile. Also, I brought my girl along so she could do the second workout (the free beginner class) and I figured I might as well join out of moral support. All told, it was:

Deadlift: 5 at 135, 3 at 185, 5x3 at 225lb

21-15-9 for time:
Hang power snatch 75lb
Ring dips (with purple assistance band)
Completed in 8:20

2x20 GHD hip extensions

21-15-9 for time:
Wall balls 20lb 10'
Box jumps
Completed in 7:17 - Compare to 9:45 on 6/20/11

1x20 GHD hip extensions

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flood Run

Tried to run to my girl's place as the light faded after Hurricane Irene passed the night before, but the crazy flooding from the Passaic River made it pretty tough. Including the cumulative 1 mile where I had to wade through waist-deep water (taking pictures all the while, of course) I did the 5mi in 51:40. The last 2.5mi were all dry, though, and I finished the final 1.2 in 8:47 (7:19 pace).

Friday, August 26, 2011

CF908, Dog Jog

Military press: 3 at 95, 105, 95, 100, 100

3 rounds for time:
300m farmer's walk with a 53lb KB in each hand
40 box jumps 24"
Finished in 16:47

1.5mi run/walk with the dog.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dog Jog

2mi jog/walk with the dog. Calf is seriously sore from yesterday. I rolled it a bit on a tennis ball. Remind me to figure out a foam roller alternative for Germany.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


5 rounds for time:
25x(3 single-unders, 1 double-under)
5 muscle-ups
Completed in 13:03

9:00 rest

50 toes-to-bar for time
Completed in 4:15

Not proficient enough at any of these movements to make great times, but it was a decent workout and good practice for DUs/MUs.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Back squat: 5 at 135, 3 at 155, 165, 165, 165, 165

AMRAP 12:00 of:
9 KB swings 44lb
12 hand-release pushups
15 box jumps 24"
Completed 7 rounds

Stood up on the last box jump of my 7th round right as the buzzer sounded. I was able to keep the kettlebell swings continuous, and once I took my socks off the box jumps felt a little more stable, but I had to break up all but the first two rounds of pushups into sets of 3-4 and by the last round even that was tough. The squats felt pretty good, though.

Friday, August 19, 2011


BB military press: 3x5 at 95, 4 at 95, 8 at 75lb

6 rounds:
500m row
2:00 rest
500m row times: 1:43, 1:47, 1:54, 1:52, 1:52, 1:51

3x25 GHD situps
Double-under practice

Thursday, August 18, 2011

CF908, biking

Ursday: go heavy

4mi biking

Overhead squats: 5 at 65, 5 at 95, 3 at 115lb
Front squats: 3 at 125, 3 at 135, 1 at 155lb
Back squats: 3 at 155, 2 at 175, 3 at 165lb

Pullups: 5 L-hang, 5 at +10lb
3 at +20, +30, +44, +53lb
1 at +60lb

2.7mi biking

After a break for lunch, did another 5mi biking...but it's much easier to go back home from my girl's house than to get there.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Rick's Birthday WoD, for time:
31 cal row
31 front squat 95lb
31 box jumps 24"
31 toes to bar
31 pushups
31 KB swings 53lb
31 pullups
31 split jumps per leg
31 burpees
Finished in 27:06

We were also supposed to do 31 double-unders, but I was already pretty toast and didn't want to screw around with the jumprope trying to finish 31 of something I have trouble doing once. It was a pretty tough workout already.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Power clean: 3 at 65, 132, 154, 164, 142lb

WoD for time:
12 divebomber pushups on 36" box
2 power cleans 132lb
10 divebomber pushups on 36" box
4 power cleans 132lb
8 divebomber pushups on 36" box
6 power cleans 132lb
6 divebomber pushups on 36" box
8 power cleans 132lb
4 divebomber pushups on 36" box
10 power cleans 132lb
2 divebomber pushups on 36" box
12 power cleans 132lb
Completed in 9:58

1 rope climb ascent
Abs: plank holds from rope, ring planks
4x5 ring pushups

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nucci Cup 2011

13-10 over Lehigh
9-13 to DCizzle
13-8 over Fog of War
9-6 over Pitt B

I can almost taste Gunswick 2012. Some impressive play from the incoming freshmen, and it was great to see some of the Machine alums come out. My cleats blew out, which makes it easier to decide which pair to bring to Germany. Overall, a really enjoyable day with friends and new faces.

Sunday was completely rained out, but we didn't really want to play in the torrential downpour anyway.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


6 squat clean and jerk 65lb
2 muscle-ups
4 squat clean and jerk 115lb
2 muscle-ups
4 squat clean and jerk 135lb
1 muscle-up

7 rounds for time:
5 hang power clean 115lb
15 pushups
Completed in 8:28

25 GHD situps
Ab work

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A-League Semifinals

vs Roots. Kept it close for a few despite multiple turns, but couldn't keep up the defense that got us the disc back each time. I don't know if it was that fact that we only had 2 subs, but we never played like a finals-worthy team for more than a possession at a time. Some nice flow here, a good D there, but Roots was scoring way too easily and we kept giving them the disc on bonehead turnovers. Pretty frustrating. I made up ground for a deep D in the endzone on an S-cut, scored on a huck that came over my head from the same lane (but dropped another of the same kind), and played alright overall, but the team never really found its groove together. Open cuts looked off, bad throws to good cuts, good throws to bad cuts, we started to come back at the end but it was way too late. From 4-8 at half, we ended up losing 10-15 or so.

But it was a fun season. I good a nice preview of some up and coming Machiners, and plenty of beer was enjoyed courtesy of Dusty so there are obviously no regrets. Hopefully next year we can get a few more players to commit, the Illuminati split into Illuminati/New World Order left us nearly savage for most games. We'll see.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

CUFA Finals

We won it all. 17-15ish over Blue, we were down 1-3 when I arrived and they took half 4-9 before we were able to mount our comeback. Winning the league felt pretty good.

Monday, August 08, 2011


Front squats: 2x2 at 134, 2x1 at 144, 2x2 at 134

12:00 AMRAP:
15 wall balls at 20lb, 10' target
10 ring rows
5 burpees
Completed 6 rounds

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Long Day

After a solid few days of rest, headed back to BID for a night with friends and then went with them down to the Mercer fields for a scrimmage against the DEVYL open YCC team. With only two subs, the first two games to 7 were a little rough for me and the other "club" players (mostly Machiners), but we handled business and squeaked out wins against the top U-19 players in the area. For the third game to 7, we combined with the U-16 team and played 4/3 lines, giving everybody some good experience (but the U-19ers won that scrim).

After a WaWa lunch break and some re-warmup, Blueprint held practice with 14 players plus me. I helped run a handler drill and then we played a series of games to 3, which were also pretty tough. Hot, humid, one sub for both teams, it ended up being a long day for the few of us that were there for both the DEVYL scrim and BP practice. We finished up with a couple sprints and then Albert, James and I went back to Frenchy's house. We hopped in his pool for a much-needed cooldown before nomming on delicious home-grilled burgers and side dishes courtesy of the French family. Overall a very tiring, but also fulfilling day.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

CUFA Semi-Finals

vs Feeney/James in white, both teams missing some players. We were without a single girl, so our 7 dudes gave us one sub for a game of 6 on 7. Undaunted, we went up 5-1 before slipping and losing half 8-9, but kept it tight to 12-12 and then went on a defensive run in the second half to pull ahead and win the game 17-14ish. Apparently the drizzle kept some people home, setting up a Blue win over Black without their star deep Jake the Jake, so we face Blue in the finals on Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


There was more than enough running on sand during Wildwood, so I stuck to the streets for this one.

0.7mi in 4:50
0.85mi in 6:00
0:20 to tie shoes
0.85mi in 5:40
0.7mi in 4:30
Total: 5k in 21:20 (6:51 pace)