Friday, January 04, 2008

Life Sucks in the Metro East

200m in 0:27.54
400m in 1:08.76
200m in 0:29.88
100m in ? < 0:12.74

Unfortunately, I was timing for two people in the last 100m, and I don't know what my time was. It was under 0:12.74 though, I know that.

Also, it is very cold. 34 degrees outside. So running makes me want to throw up. I haven't pushed myself hard enough to actually puke yet, though. Maybe I will, later in the winter. I guess I have unconsciously decided that running a few sprints as fast as I can is better than running more sprints at an easier pace. I'm not sure if science would back me up, but I prefer busting my ass and then going home. It's like flambe-ing a marshmallow--set the damn thing on fire, let it char, blow off the flames and eat the damn thing. No need to sit there browning it for ten minutes.

2x12 high pull 63lb
2x12 curl 20lb

1 comment:

Smellis said...

I think its a little too early to be doing sprints at an "all-out" pace, even if some of them are "longer" distances.
If you want to minimize your outdoor exposure time, try something with more reps (eg x6 400s) at noticably less than 100% but with less rest between reps.
remember to warm up properly/completely in this cold weather. And since you're running at less than 100% think about and visualize your running form (especially acceleration)