Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rutgers Practice

Another Thursday. Practiced my lefty backhands with Dave (old teammate/current women's coach) while waiting for the boys to show up. Did the full warmup and then got some reps in with the handlers, giving tips here and there. When we did the Thunderdome-style defense drill, I caught all my O's but couldn't get that D. Well, one time I got in there but the cutter caught it off the mack. Otherwise I couldn't pull the trigger.

But next was a deep cutting drill, so I matched up with Eric for all my jump balls. I figured it would be a good matchup, given that he's going into Regionals next weekend while I haven't had a tournament since Wilwdwood. I caught all my O's again, but this time was able to get a couple blocks. I did have a height advantage, but I'll chalk it up as a decent refresher on positioning for me.

After maybe 10 reps of that I started to get a funny feeling in the back of my knee, but I wasn't going to back down from the final sprints. We did 10 jump-sprints for 40ish yards each, and by the end of that I was definitely feeling some tightness in the hamstring tendons. I felt like I gave a solid effort each time, but I don't feel good about my acceleration. Just haven't been repping it.

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