Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy Be Damned

2k row in 7:33
500m splits: 1:51, 1:53, 1:57, 1:52

5:00 rest, then:

3 rounds for time:
20 kettlebell swings 70lb
20 box jumps 30"
Completed in 10:28
Rounds: 2:45, 3:40, 4:03

Hollow hold: 0:40 on, 0:20 off, 0:20 on, 4x(0:30 off, 0:15 on)

I'd already had three straight rest days and didn't think I was likely to do a workout on my own with a hurricane coming. So the only solution was to sack up and hit the local box for a WOD. I pushed on the row, was sucking wind and dreading the second half of the workout and already thought the 70lb KBS was ambitious. I only brought them to shoulder-height, but we were supposed to push through without putting the kettlebell down and that wasn't happening. Mental, my ass. That shit is heavy. I couldn't get any real momentum behind it. I saved my time on the box jumps, getting through sets of five even though I wanted to quit after the first round. I just didn't want to have to face the swings again. My lungs haven't hurt like that in a some time.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oly Work

Snatch: 3 at 20, 40, 50, 50, 1 at 55kg

Clean and jerk: 2 at 60, 70, 70, 75, 75kg

Power clean: 4x1 at 80kg

Left shoulder started to hurt after a few press-out jerks at 75kg, so I held back from trying it at 80. The cleans were tough at that weight anyway, and they didn't feel solid. But at least I nailed four of them, ugly or no, tying my PR.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Short Runs

0.5mi in 2:40, 3:00 rest
0.5mi in 3:03, 3:00 rest
0.5mi in 2:53, 3:00 rest
0.5mi in 3:07, 5:00 rest
1mi in 6:55 (3:25, 3:30)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Squats, GSO Workout #3

Warmup squats: 5 overhead 45, 3 front 135, 3 back 155lb

Back squat: 2x3 at 185, 5 at 180, 3 at 180, 5 at 155, 3 at 155lb

Garden State Open Workout #3 (scaled):
50 wall balls 20lb to 10' target
40 reverse overhead lunges 45lb
30 thrusters 85lb
Completed in 10:10
(Wall balls in 2:20, lunges in 2:45, thrusters in 5:05)

Hollow hold: 0:30 on, 0:30 rest, 0:30 on, 0:30 rest, 0:15 on, 0:15 rest, 0:15 on
3x15 GHD situps
HSPU practice: 3 at 1 abmat, 7 at 1.5 abmats, 5 at 1.5 abmats
2x3 HSPU parallelette negatives

I didn't mean to jump 10lb from last week on the squats and it was a mistake that cost me. I struggled on those first two sets, and after a set of 5 at the correct weight I was totally toast. Had to drop down and still felt terrible. The WOD wasn't so bad, although the thrusters were killer. Might hurt tomorrow. Probably.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Long Run

5mi in 36:40 (7:20 pace)

0.5mi splits: 3:40, 3:40, 3:50, 3:30, 3:40, 3:35, 4:15, 3:30, 3:45, 3:25
1mi splits: 7:20, 7:10, 7:15, 7:45, 7:10

Friday, October 19, 2012

Military Press, Grace

Military press: 4x5 at 85, 5 at 90lb

"Grace" scaled: 30 clean and jerk for time at 115lb
Completed in 4:47
10 rep splits: 1:05, 1:55, 1:47

Compare to: 6/13/12 and 11/5/10

3x5 L-hang pullups, 2x5 knee-tuck pullups

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Clean and jerk practice: 3 at 65, 135, 145lb

21-18-15-13-9-6-3 reps for time:
Ring dips (blue band)
Sumo deadlift high pull 95lb
Completed in 12:02

3x15 GHD extensions

I was struggling a bit on the early SDHP reps, but eventually started using my hips. It felt heavy. Hips help. I need to start repping cleans again because they feel much heavier than they did in Germany. But, on a higher note, the ring dips weren't so bad. Next workout I'm dropping to a more challenging band. I'm not at the level where I can bang out 84 reps without one, but strength is coming...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pullups, Run

3 muscle-ups
Pullups at +20lb: 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3

3mi in 20:33
1mi splits: 6:22, 7:14, 6:57
0.5mi splits: 3:10, 3:12, 3:28, 3:36, 3:44, 3:13

25 hand-release pushups
15min yoga, PVC rolling

Monday, October 15, 2012

Squats, Abs

Warmup: 5 overhead squat 45, 3 back squat at 135, 155lb
Back squat: 5x5 at 175lb

21-15-9 for time:
Front squat 115lb
Bar-facing burpees
Completed in 12:12
Rounds: 4:30, 4:30, 3:12

Max toes to bar: 15, 12, 15
HSPU practice: 3 at 1 abmat, 3 parallette negatives
Plank: 1:45 front, 0:15 rest, 0:45 L, 0:15 rest, 0:45 R
25 GHD situps, 15 leg lifts, 0:30 hollow hold
Raised plank: 0:45 L, 0:15 rest, 0:45 R, 0:15 rest, 0:45 front

Friday, October 12, 2012


2mi in 13:20

0.5mi splits: 3:00, 3:25, 3:40, 3:15

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Goal Work

Warmup, double-under practice
3 snatch 95lb, 3 hang clean 135lb

Deadlift: 3 at 185, 5 at 185, 3 at 235lb
Deadlift for form: 10 at 135, 5 at 165, 185, 205

21-15-9 for time:
Thrusters 95lb
Kettlebell swing 53lb
Completed in 15:45
Rounds: 5:15 (2:45, 1:15, 0:45), 6:45 (4:00, 1:25, 1:20), 3:45 (2:15, 1:00, 0:30)

Thrusters are awful, and I couldn't string together more than 3 double-unders. This was not a fun workout.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Snatch practice

12:00 AMRAP:
5 hang power snatch 65lb
15 wall balls
Completed 7 rounds + 5 snatches, 8 wall balls

0:60, 0:30, 3x0:15 hollow hold
2x0:30 plank

Snatch is weak. No muscle memory.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Back Squat, Cardio

10 overhead squat 45, 3 front squat 135lb
Back squat: 4x5 at 165, 5 at 170lb

4 rounds for time:
40 double-unders
30 squats
20 abmat situps
Finished in 10:01
Rounds: 2:10, 2:30, 2:45, 2:36

Handstand practice

Saturday, October 06, 2012


3mi in 21:00

1mi splits: 6:50, 7:25, 6:45
0.5mi splits: 3:15, 3:35, 3:40, 3:45, 3:30, 3:15

20min yoga/stretching

Friday, October 05, 2012

Press, Triplet, Cardio

Military press: 5x5 at 81lb

15:00 AMRAP:
7 strict DB press 30lb
11 toes-to-bar
15 walking overhead lunge, 45lb plate
Completed 6 rounds

5 rounds:
300m row
300m run

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Rutgers Practice

I played swing handler while the kids practiced the trap transition with a 4-man cup, then I was with the young athletes in a scrimmage against the more veteran players. Finished up with 6x40m sprints with recovery.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Power Cleans, Triplet

Preeeetty sore today.

Power clean practice: 3 at 65, 135, 165, 135

21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift 185lb
Box jumps 24"
Ring dips (blue band)
Completed in 10:07
Rounds: 4:00, 3:53, 2:14

Those deads got really difficult. The cleans also didn't feel great, didn't feel like I was getting my hips open. Trainer Alan critiqued that I wasn't patient enough with my pull, trying to pop up too early. I feel like I should get a camera and film myself. On the plus side I was putting together box jumps without too much trouble. After the WoD I did some accessory work:

Hollow hold: 1:00, 0:30, 0:15, 0:15
Double-under practice

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Fake CF908

I decided to do today's workout at home in the rain, substituting wall balls for thrusters and double-unders for tuck jumps because I don't have all the equipment.

Pullups: 5 at BW, 3x5+3 at +20lb

AMRAP 6:00 of:
15 DB thrusters 20lb
10 pullups
Completed 4 rounds + 15 thrusters, 7 pullups

Rest 2:00

AMRAP 6:00 of:
12 hand-release pushups
24 tuck jumps
Completed 4 rounds + 2 pushups

Monday, October 01, 2012

Back Squat, Chipper

Burgener Warmup
Back squat: 5 at 155, 155, 155, 160, 165

Chipper for time:
60 kettlebell swings 44lb
50 box jumps 24"
40 burpees
30 jumping lunges per leg
20 handstand pushups (2 abmats)
Completed in 15:05

Max reps toes-to-bar: 15, 12, 10