Monday, March 31, 2014

Oly, Indoor League

500m row in 1:40
15min foam rolling

Snatch: 5 at 45, 65; 3 at 85, 95, 115lb
Snatch pull: 2x3 135lb
Squat clean and jerk: 3 at 150lb

Indoor league semi-finals: 45min indoor 4v4 make-it take-it ultimate, 46-24 half, 78-48 final (against the team we only beat by one point when I was absent)
60min rest
Indoor league finals: 45min indoor 4v4 make-it take-it ultimate, 25-1 run then 33-35 half, 76-57 final.

10-0 on the season with an average score of 89-51. Boom.

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