Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lift, Swim

Dips: 8 at 100%, 6 at 100%, 6 at 63% body weight
8 shoulder raises, 10lb
8 lateral raises, 10lb
8 close-grip bench press, 45lb
8 bb military press, 45lb
8 shoulder raises, 8lb
8 lateral raises, 8lb

My shoulders are weak, I guess. Sucks. Gotta work on it. It might also help to have more recovery time after workouts that use the shoulders as secondary muslces, but that is not easy--most workouts use the shoulders.

After lifting, I swam 400yds. 50 free, 50 breast, 50 fly, 50 back at (my) moderate pace (read: slow), then 50 frees in 42, 48, 47, 41 seconds. I want to keep track of this purely so I can follow any improvement, but I am an inexperienced swimmer with no endurance, so my times...suck. I nonetheless will keep swimming because I feel it might improve my respiratory grit--if I can push through a full-body workout in the water without breathing, then maybe I can push myself harder on the field when breath gets short from sprinting. Learning to use my lungs efficiently sounds like a good, if painful, idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Generic insulting comment about the times/weights/reps that you posted.

Ah, I feel so much better about myself now.