Monday, October 01, 2007


6 pullups
incline bench press: 12 at 45, 8 at 85, 8 at 85, 8 at 75, 5 at 75, 3 at 70
decline bench press: 12 at 75
isolation curls: 12 at 20lb
standing curls: 12 at 15lb, 8 at 15lb
hammer curls: 2x8 at 15lb

Again, no spotter. My shoulders sounded like popcorn machines for every set of the incline bench, popping and cracking with each press. That was weird. I wasn't going to be able to finish 8 at 75, so I quickly swapped the 5lb plates for 2.5s and finished the set. The decline bench press felt easy, compared to the end of the incline stuff, so I guess it really is a separate muscle group. My left bicep is weaker than my right, so while my right breezed through the curls my left struggled at the end of each set. In an attempt to make them more even, I threw in two reps of 12lb curls at the end for my left arm. Why not, right?

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