Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Squats: 10 at 0, 2 at 95, 8 at 115, 8 at 125, 2x8 at 135lb
8 deep squats at 45lb (full ROM)
Romanian Deadlifts: 2x8 at 95, 8 at 105, 8 at 115lb

Finally got a plate on each side for squats. At the end of my last set I felt my abs were too loose, so it looks like I'll have to start doing actual ab workouts in order to get the requisite strength to stabilize and protect my spine. I decided to not do regular deadlifts or anything else, but I plan on adding some other components to my workout routine. Abs, obviously, plus erector spinae, possibly some lunge variations to incorporate more glutes...hell, I might even figure out how to work the lats, something I've never really understood. Power gym this Sunday might help me add some variety, as I hear we do olympic lifts. That's pretty exciting.

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